


A wonder that banks almost except Japanese ones have maintenance fees or checking fees that force their clients to keep their funds in their accounts of them. The merit of it I think is that banks can prevent their clients withdrawing because of rumors or something silly, but it also makes problems that poor people usually can’t get their bank accounts to keep their money because they don’t have money for several kinds of fees that banks charge so I think Japanese banks are pretty good in this way!
I’m looking for clients who have things that you want me to develop! Experiences A crypto exchange, a time management system for popular shops/restaurants, api services for companies nishidaryu416$gmail.com please replace $ with @ before sending an email
イギリスにて起業しました。 おそらく、日本人のイギリス法人の社長としては最年少であると思います。この会社は仮想通貨の取引所を運営することを目的するとともに、ICOプロジェクトの効率化を図って行くことを目的としています。興味のある方はnishidaryu416@gmail.comまで
I actually established a company in the UK and I'm confident that I'm the youngest Japanese CEO of a UK company. The company will run a crypto exchange service. And I'm making this using Ruby on Rails. So if you wanna work with me contact me from nishidaryu416@gmail.com
I could successfully set a custom domain. it was kinda cumbersome that I could not verify my domain after logging in the domain agent that I'm using. So I needed to add settings to the DNS record.
カスタムドメイン対応しました。 面倒だったのは、お名前ドットコムで、グーグルから、すんなりと、認証できなかったこと、これ以外はまぁ簡単だった。